I realize some maybe drawn back by the fact that I rated this a 3. I know a lot of people loved this book. But from my own perspective, it wasn't fast enough paced or create enough heat for me. I thought the writing was well thought out. It has a level flow. If you are happy with baseline romance novels and pure predictability then this would be a fantastic read. For me however, since I draw to dramatics in my writing as well as what I read, I was underwhelmed. I do not want this to reflect the quality of the author. She is very talented. That's why it pains me to leave a 3 star. But I can't give a false review.
From my perspective of the story, based on my tastes. I thought it was okay. I liked Julianne, she had a great likability to her, even though she's youthful. To be honest in comparison to Ana from 50 Shades. She annoyed me less. But that might be due to the fact she was pretty even in her personality and I like drama. I found it somehow interesting that Gabriel much like Christian Grey were adopted and raised by a family with a sister and a brother. Lets face it, this book had parts I loved. While many others had me nearly falling a sleep or causing me to skip paragraphs just to get on with the story. I can only hear about kissing so much, or about how they feel (when it's nearly always the same.) The main thing I think that caused my breaking to a 3 Star instead of a 4- Is that this story is more of a telling than a showing in terms of writing. The dialogue between characters is well less than 1/2 of the story. I'm a dialog drunkard.
Cons- Predictability (I could tell what was going to happen at nearly every turn.), Pace was slow, romance was always the same, Kissing scenes happened one right after the other. Not enough hotness.
Pros- Interesting and intriguing base plot, Usage of words were well thought out, it had romance, some parts made me smile.
I don't want to bash the writing or giveaway too much in my thoughts. So I left it as basic as I can. I only hope those who choose to read this story are not seeking heart-rendering drama, steam or fast paced story lines. If you want sweet love and romance with a mild twist and turn. Then this is perfect.